Podo Cad Cam
This page is addressed to professionals looking for computerized orthotic fabrication.
We are offering an orthotic CADCAM that will allow you to scan and fabricate in your lab using high-end technology.
Technology save you on material, storage space, and time.
Some solutions:
- Send us the foot scan, we ship you a positive rigid cast ready to vacuum.
- Send us a foot scan, we design. you fabricate in your lab.
- Full autonomy? We set up a complete computerized orthotic system in your lab.
Ask us how you can have an easy to operate system at low start-up cost.
Simplify Your Fabrication Reduce Plaster Mess

Your Choice of Scanners
Your Way of Scanning: foot, foam box, or plaster mold
Designing Software CAD
Machining Software CAM
CNC size depending on volume.
Your choice of milling positive ready to vacuum or direct milling EVA orthotics.

Our 3D orthotic solutions are in line with CPC, PAC, and insurance requirements
(First photo of this page courtesy of www.cadcamorthotics.com.au)